So news came out over the weekend that the upcoming Silent Hill reboot, Silent Hills, has been cancelled. Co-director Guillermo Del Toro dropped the news at a conference and the game's IRL star, The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus, confirmed that the game wasn't going to be made. This, of course has caused a lot of upset for people around the world who were looking to a proper, scary as hell reboot of the now stagnant Silent Hill franchise.
Of course, Silent Hills' demise is part and parcel of Hideo Kojima's rather sudden exit from publisher Konami and the dissolution of Kojima Productions in a recent company reshuffle. Kojima was attached as a co-director and would have made his horror debut with the franchise reboot. However, now he is leaving the publisher, all branding related to him and Kojima productions has been stripped from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain's web presence and the website for Silent Hills had the same treatment.
Worst of all though, is the fact that on Wednesday 29th of April, when the PlayStation store has its weekly refresh, P.T. will be taken down, likely forever.
If you're not familiar with it, P.T. (or Playable Teaser) was possibly the most interesting thing to come out of the Tokyo Game Show last year. It was released onto the PlayStation store for free, as a Demo of a game made by the unheard of 7780 Studios. The mysteries started immediately, with the odd and irrelevant image tile on the PS dashboard to the fact that no one had heard of this studio before.
When you opened up the game you were treated to a first person perspective in a dark room. The door unlocks and you walk out into a photo realistic hallway. This is far and away the most realistic looking game I've ever played. It looked superb. The basis of the game was to follow the endlessly looping hallway, solving logical puzzles (all relatively simple, all nearly impossible to work out quickly) and having the shit scared out of you.
P.T. was a master class in psychological horror. While it had a couple of utterly devastating jump scares, the game revelled in the fact that it was genuinely scary. The sound, the images, the concept, the subtle changes to the hallway every time you made progress, it was utterly captivating and completely terrifying.
Check out my playthrough of P.T. below if you haven't had the chance to play it (or can't because you don't have a PS4):
If you do own a PS4, download P.T. before Wednesday and enjoy what can only be described as the first genuine horror title on the PS4 that is legitimately scary. Even if you've seen the videos and seen the jump scare involving Lisa, you won't appreciate the subtle brilliance of the game unless you've played it yourself.
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